The second day of the 8th Meeting of the Asian Soil Laboratory Network (SEALNET) is the continuation of the agenda and discussion among the representatives of SEALNET member countries and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) delegates. The event was held on July 16, 2024, at the Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Soils and Water Management (DA-BSWM) Lopez Convention Hall with a total of 76 onsite and 50 online participants.

The round-table discussion focused on six key points: 1) Introduction of the proposal for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) certification system for soil organic carbon; 2) Quality control: Case Studies from the Region and Good Laboratory Practices; 3) Updates on the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and verification of GLOSOLAN SOPs; 4) Report of the National Soil Laboratory Networks (NASOLAN) and Role of the GSP Focal Points in NASOLAN; 5) Development of the Center of Excellence on Soil Laboratories; and 6) Review of the SEALNET Work Plan for 2024-2025.

The main highlight of the event was the presentation of the Guidelines for the Development of the Center of Excellence on Soil Laboratories (CESLab) in Asia discussed by BSWM Director Gina P. Nilo. The members were consulted for comments regarding the framework and guidelines. Through the active participation of the body, insightful inputs were gathered to advance and eventually actualize the initiative through the conduct of consultative meetings within the designated technical working group.
The formalization of the CESLab aims to support the Center of Excellence for Soil Research in Asia (CESRA) related to soil data quality assurance, harmonization of methods and indicators for sustainable management and protection of soil resources.
Also joining online via Zoom and Facebook Live Stream for the second day are members of the PHILNASOLAN, staff of BSWM-Laboratory Services Division (LSD) and other international participants, among others.
(Keyfej C. Ramos, Laboratory Services Division – Rapid Soil Test Section)
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