In tracking its milestones, The DA-Bureau of Soils and Water Management (DA-BSWM), through the Budget and Planning and Monitoring Sections, conducted the FY 2022 Year-End Physical and Financial Performance Assessment on December 20, 2022, at the DA-BSWM Lopez Convention Hall, Quezon City.

The Assessment session was attended by the DA-BSWM Director, Dr. Gina P. Nilo, Technical Division and Center Chiefs, Focal of the Organic Agriculture Program, and Planning and Budget Focals.

DA-BSWM Dir. Gina P. Nilo delivered a clear message to all the participants in the activity – To continue as a vessel to the Filipino farmers and fisherfolk in bringing the best service that the Bureau can give to the nation. She also expressed gratitude for everyone’s never-ending excellence and commitment as public servants.

The activity covered reports by all the Technical Divisions and Research Centers Chiefs, tackling accomplishments, implementation strategies, budget obligations, improvement of project allocations, future directions, and other relevant matters.

With all the advancements and plans projected for 2023, the DA-BSWM is prepared to resourcefully respond to the needs of Filipino farmers and fisherfolks. Indeed, the success of this 2022 Year-End Performance Assessment pivoted on the culture of public service and accountability of the Bureau.