The Bureau of Soils and Water Management implemented the project “Land Resources Evaluation and Suitability Assessment of Strategic Production Areas for Cacao and Coffee” covering 29 provinces and 1 City and to further cover additional commodities the agency also implemented… Read more
Improving Nutrient Use Efficiency Towards Precision Agriculture Through Enhanced Soil and Water Resources...
The research project is comprised of the following components: Multi-location trials for improving the nutrient use efficiencies of yellow corn in different landscapes Validation trials for improving the nutrient use efficiencies of adlai in major producing regions Improving the soil… Read more
Manila Bay Clean Up, Rehabilitation and Restoration
The project aims to Reduce pollution from croplands into Manila Bay Reduce agricultural wastes contributing to pollution of Manila Bay Conserve, rehabilitate and manage micro-watersheds and soil resources
National Mapping, Characterization and Development of Spatial Database for the Coastal Areas Affected...
This project will address soil salinity problem through providing information to the local sector and infrastructure planning in agriculture and fishery; risk management particularly disaster risk management and climate change adaptation; and policy recommendation. The project generally aims to develop… Read more
Improving Soil Productivity of Marginal Hillyland Through the Development of Philippines Hillyland Pedo-Ecological...
The project aims to improve the soil productivity of hilly areas, increase climate change resiliency and reduce disaster risk of one-fourth of the country’s Agricultural land situated in Hillyland Pedo-ecological Zone through R&D and promotion sustainable land management practices for… Read more