To generate geospatial data and conduct geospatial analysis of BSWM’s map outputs for agricultural development planning, research, and policy formulation to assist the Department of Agriculture (DA) and other stakeholders on their requirements for GIS and spatial data and communicate the message of development on soil and water management technologies.
To provide leadership in GIS and Remote Sensing in the Bureau, serve the soil-related spatial data requirements of the Department of Agriculture and be the primary source of soil and water knowledge of the country.
Seamless digital integration of all BSWM map outputs with the rest of the government’s & international agencies’ digital maps and potent technology communication.
Soil Geographic Information System (GIS) Section
Visualize, integrate, and analyze digital spatial data for agricultural applications of Geographic Information System (GIS). Develop and update various thematic and decision maps relating to agricultural land resources inventory, carrying capacity and food security, hazards and risk assessment, terrain analysis, and other vulnerability concerns affecting agricultural sustainability.
The Remote Sensing (RS) Section
It shall conduct research on agricultural applications of satellite data to inventory and monitor agricultural resources with focus on planning for sustainable utilization and development, for land cover and land use changes, for agricultural hazards analysis, for precision agriculture, and for other relevant agricultural applications.
Devises methods and techniques for the identification and recognition of soil series and other soil map units, land use and vegetation, slope, erosion hazards, cultural patterns, and other features important as inputs to rural development planning, policy formulation, and research.
The Digital Cartography (DC) Section
This Section shall store and process analog map data into digital format, geo-referenced and appropriately projected for geo-spatial analysis. It shall also coordinate with the GIS Section, Remote Sensing Section and other technical division for the integration of spatial data for various agricultural applications. It shall conduct digital map composition, display, presentation and plotting.
This Section shall prepare and update various thematic and decision maps relating to land resources inventory, land carrying capacity and food security, hazards and risk assessment, terrain analysis and modelling, and other vulnerability concerns affecting agricultural sustainability.
Systems Development & Administration (SDA) Section
Develop and maintain the necessary expert systems (algorithms, models, decision support systems) and coordinate with the GIS Section and RS Section.
This section for archiving of completed or analyzed data outputs. Supervises and maintains the Local Area Network (LAN) of the Bureau by providing hardware and connectivity repair services for the different computer units and thereby ensures LAN’s smooth and continuing operations most of the time. Perform data backup, data recovery and data archiving of completed/analyzed data output in coordination with the Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing Section.
Data Processing Operations (DPO) Section
Maintain the data inputs of the in-house developed information systems. This section updates data inputs and serves the geodatabase requirements of the technical divisions. Publish technical reports and bulletins relating to database holdings.
Prepare the Bureau’s information technology development plan as required by concerned agencies like ITCAF and National Computer Center (NCC). This Section coordinates and supervises the computer procurement plans of the Bureau to ensure that they are state of the art and within specs.
Bertolio P. Arellano
Division Chief, Geomatics and Soil Information Technology Division (GSITD)
Sharon De Vera
Section Chief
Andrew Flores
Section Chief
Raquel Granil
Section Chief
Nicomedes Liu
OIC-Section Chief
Baldwin Pine
Section Chief
Shane Grace Abina
Rowen Ablaza
Jennifer Aquino
Armando Arcamo
Farley Conde
Carmen Del Rosario
Teodorico Fajardo
Carl Jurell Fariñas
Earnest Lyle Jadsac
Bonifacio Jogno Jr.
Katherine Juarez
Naphtali Mayuga
Jonathan Navarro
Michael Alexis Nota
Mark Anthony Posilero
Roger Principe
Joyce Sanchez
Zenybel Santos
Dino Velasquez
Contact Details
1st Floor, SRDC Bldg., Visayas Ave. cor. Elliptical Rd., Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
(8)529-7640 local 112
+63(2) 273-2474 loc. 3227