The Laboratory Services Division is proposed to be retained as Laboratory Services Division. This division provides support services to the technical divisions of the bureau, public and private sectors, academe, NGOs and farmers. In addition, the division oversees the establishment and operation of all soils laboratories in the country per PD 1435.
Under the government’s rationalization program, some changes are proposed for this Division. The division needs to be strengthened through the upgrading of technical competencies and modernization of its equipment.
Strengthened focus on water analysis by creating Water Chemistry Section due to expansion of the role of the BSWM to address land degradation and climate change that are “water centered”. High demand is expected in terms of volume of samples. Water analysis is not limited to suitability for irrigation purposes but to consider water quality for reuse, for increase efficiency of utilization of limited water supply, and water as potential sources of pollutants, heavy metals, etc.
To provide analytical services of soil, water, plant and fertilizer samples to all clients at the highest quality and accuracy and oversee the establishment and operation of all Soils Laboratories in the country.
Committed to provide exceptional client service at highest quality that conforms to accepted local and international standards on soil and water analysis for agriculture.
A frugal and vigilant farming community that considers current soil analytical status as important base information in making farm plans and decisions.
- Provide laboratory services for the determination of soil nutrient status and agricultural water quality
- Provide fertilizer recommendation, including the national requirement and distribution of the specific amount and kind of fertilizer according to soil types, crops and climate
- Develop and promote cost reducing diagnostic tools for the rapid and early detection of soil nutrient depletion problems that will lead to permanent land degradation
- Perform regulatory functions pursuant to the provision of PD 1435 authorizing the Bureau to supervise, regulate, control the establishments and operations of soils laboratories in the Philippines including issuance of permit to ship out soil samples
- Establish standards, procedures and techniques in the analysis of soil, water, plant samples, and indigenous materials in support to organic-based farming and sustainable agriculture
- Develop and promote the use of micro organisms in enhancing natural supply of major plant nutrients
- Provide technical assistance and services in the production, distribution and promotion of soil inoculants, compost fungus activator (Trichodermae harzianum), Rapid Soil Test (RST) and Soil Test Kit (STK) as strategies for cost reduction of various farming practices
- Develop and implement Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) on quality assurance to conform to reagent and laboratory supply specifications, standard tests and procedures for the analysis of soil and water
Maribel R. Jalalon
Chief, Laboratory Services Division (LSD)
Contact Details
3rd Floor, SRDC Bldg., Visayas Ave. cor. Elliptical Rd., Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
(8)529-7640 local 301
+63(2) 273-2474 loc. 3222