This represents the national research center for the development of soil and water management technologies suited to lowland-upland pedo-ecological zones. It is located approximately a kilometre from the town hall of San Ildefonso, Bulacan and some 65 kilometers north of Manila. Originally named Buenavista Estate Soil Conservation Project, established in 1946 as the first project of the Soil Conservation Section of the Soil Survey Division of the then Bureau of Science, this Center covering 24 hectares was titled to the Bureau in 1969.
This Center shall be strengthened to address targeted researches on soil conditions that are acidic, infertile, and extremely difficult to manage under conditions of heavy clay lowland-upland. Uniquely, this Center is the only living museum having the collection of ten (10) soil tanks representing the different soil taxonomic orders of the country. Very well, these soil tanks measuring 200 sqm each serve both research and demonstration functions. Also, the Center is equipped with the only lysimeter in the country.
As National Research and Development Center to undertake applied
and location-specific researches on soil and water in lowland-upland pedo-ecological zones. The Center also screens and validates appropriate agro-technologies and best practices gathered from successful farmers, indigenous communities, academe and research institutions and other practitioners for adoption and use for sustainable lowland-upland agriculture. As Learning Center, it showcases cost-efficient, socially acceptable and environment friendly soil and water management technologies in lowland-upland pedo-ecological zones.
Ensure viable and safe cultivation of prime lowland-uplands, adopting clean production technologies and conservation farming practices to raise farmers’ income, increase productivity and ensure food security.
Lowland-upland conditions manage for sustained productivity promoting the primacy of soils and water resources conservation practices, and environment-friendly farming communities.
- Provide and maintain experimental site for conduct of upstream researches by the SWRRD on heavy clay lowland-upland relating to soil physics and mineralogy, soil biology, soil and water conservation, cropping pattern, land use, organic agriculture, protective and conventional farming and relevant researches that address emerging issues on land degradation, agro-biodiversity and climate change
- Develop plans, programs and projects for lowland-upland ecosystem in accordance with the national soil and water research and development agenda
- Undertake all aspects of soil and water midstream researches on heavy clay lowland-upland
- Develop knowledge products on cost-efficient practices and environment-friendly technologies on lowland-upland agro-ecological zone
- Ensure proper maintenance and operation of machineries, equipment and research facilities including soil tanks and soil monoliths where all classes of Philippine soils are displayed for reference and educational purposes
- Develop and manage research infrastructure and data base for soil and water researches on heavy clay lowland-upland in coordination with concerned divisions of the Bureau
- Prepare and implement capability building programs through participatory trainings, field visits and seminars for agricultural students, farmers, agricultural technicians, LGUs and other interested clientele on lowland-upland agriculture technologies
- Undertake validation and demonstration of agro-technologies relating to soil conservation, fertility management, water resources management, organic and protective agriculture in lowland-upland agro-ecological zone
- In coordination with interested clientele, promote validated and tested technologies on soil and water management in selected areas of lowland-upland agriculture
- In coordination with WRMD, generate agromet data as representative of lowland-upland conditions for real time data processing
Engr. Oscar O. Carpio
Center Chief, National Soil and Water Resources Research and Development Center for Lowland-Upland Pedo-Ecological Zone (LUPEZ)
Contact Details
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan