Mr. Joven P. Espineli, Center Chief of the Bureau of Soils and Water Management-National Soil and Water Resources Research and Development Center for Hillyland Pedo-Ecological Zone (BSWM-NSWRRDC HILLPEZ), conducted an on the spot lecture on vermicomposting technology during the Center’s 2-day activity entitled “Capacity Enhancement on Mokusaku Technology” on March 30 to 31, 2022 held at the NSWRRDC HILLPEZ, Km 53, Barangay Cuyambay, Tanay, Rizal.

The lecture, which was not part of the activity’s Programme, was conducted to utilize the vacant time generated from the sudden change made in the Programme flow. Mr. Espineli discussed the basic information on vermicomposting, the NSWRRDC HILLPEZ’s way of vermicomposting and the cost and return analysis of producing it. The presentation was followed by a tour in the Center’s vermicomposting facility.
The participants for the training, were composed of employees of the Bureau of Soils and Water Management: Water Resources Management Division (WRMD), Soil Conservation and Management Division (SCMD), Geomatics Soil Information and Technology Division (GSITD), Soils Survey Division (SSD), Laboratory Services Division (LSD), National Soil and Water Resources Research and Development Center for Lowland-Upland Pedo-Ecological Zone (NSWRRDC LUPEZ), Director’s Office, and Records Unit, and a delegate from Rizal Agricultural Research and Experiment Station (RARES), were more than happy to receive the additional lecture on vermicomposting technology.