The Department of Agriculture -Bureau of Soils and Water Management (DA-BSWM) through the Compost Production Implementation Team (CPIT) conducted the comprehensive Hands-On Training on the Small-Scale Composting Facility (SSCF) at the DA-BSWM Compound last July 25, 2023. The Training aimed to equip the participants with the necessary skills and knowledge for the establishment of a Small-Scale Composting Facility (SSCF) for FY 2023.

The Training was a collaborative effort, with the Soil and Water Access Team (SWAT) taking the lead in coordinating the event. The SWAT comprised of key members from the Regional Focal, Alternate Focal, Compost Production Implementation Team (CPIT), the Inspection Committee, and the Property Management Unit (PMU), along with esteemed representatives from the National Organic Agriculture Program (NOAP) of the Department of Agriculture.

The Hands-On Training on the Small-Scale Composting Facility covered various essential aspects, including composting techniques, facility setup, proper maintenance, and utilization of organic materials. Participants engaged in practical exercises, enabling them to gain firsthand experience and a deeper understanding of compost production methods.

The CPIT Team Leader Ms. Janice C. Castro expressed her appreciation for the unceasing support of the participants to the project. “This Hands-on Training on the Small-Scale Composting Facility is a crucial step in promoting sustainable organic agriculture practices in all the regions of our country. Through this training, we will acquire valuable skills that will significantly contribute to the success of the Bureau of Soils and Water Management and the National Organic Agriculture Program’s goals,” Ms. Castro said.

The DA-BSWM and NOAP believe that the knowledge gained from the Hands-On Training will be relevant in enhancing compost production efforts, thereby, supporting eco-friendly and organic agricultural practices across the nation.