The DA-Bureau of Soils and Water Management (DA-BSWM) through the Soil Survey Division (SSD) recently conducted auger boring and pit digging activities as part of the efforts to update the Thematic Maps for Soil Reference Sites (SRS) and Soil Monitoring Sites (SMS) for the implementation of the National Soil Health Program (NSHP). This initiative aims to enhance soil data accuracy and to support sustainable land management practices. The event took place in multiple sites, such as the Municipality of Bayambang, Municipality of Calasiao, and City of San Carlos, from June 14 to 16, 2023.

The BSWM’s Soil Survey Division Staff spearheaded the comprehensive effort to update the Thematic Maps associated with SRS and SMS in the Province of Pangasinan. Through the use of auger boring and pit digging techniques, they collected detailed information on soil profiles, composition, texture, and other essential soil attributes. These activities spanned to various locations, encompassing a wide range of Soil Types prevalent in the Region.

Aside for the National Soil Health Program, the updated Thematic Maps serve as invaluable tools for researchers, policymakers, and land managers, enabling informed decision-making regarding soil conservation, sustainable land use, and crop selection. By accurately identifying soil characteristics and variations, these maps facilitate the development of targeted strategies for effective soil management, erosion control, and soil health.

The dedicated Soil Survey Division (SSD) Pangasinan Team is composed of Senior Agriculturist and Project Focal Ms. Bella H. Noceda with SSD Agriculturist and Technical Staff, namely Ms. Maria Cristina V. Corporal, Mr.  Ragine A. Galzote, Ms. Kristel M. Bagaua, and Ms. Eloisa P. Santiago. Their expertise and commitment have ensured the completion of the data collection phase within the stipulated timeframe.

The updated Thematic Maps for Soil Reference Sites and Soil Monitoring Sites mark a significant milestone in the BSWM National Soil Health Program’s journey toward sustainable land management and environmental preservation. As the BSWM continues to prioritize the protection of the nation’s soil and the advancement of agricultural sustainability, it remains committed to expanding and updating the Program’s scope.