As part of its regular activities, the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Soils and Water Management (DA-BSWM) convened project proponents and staff for the “Pre-in house Review and Evaluation of On-going and Completed R&D Projects/Studies.” The first of the two-day Review and Evaluation started today, 19 April 2023, at the DA-BSWM Lopez Convention Hall.

The activity officially commenced with the Message from the DA-BSWM Director and Research and Development Studies (RDS) Chairperson Dr. Gina P. Nilo. This was followed by the presentation of the Overview and Rationale of Activity by the Chief Science Research Specialist of the Soil and Water Resources Research Division (SWRRD) and the RDS Vice-Chair Dr. Karen S. Bautista.
During the presentation proper, researches on the Completed Projects/Studies were presented: the “Development of Integrated Nutrient Management Strategy for Improving Soil and Tomato Productivity” by Mr. Lowell Bornados; “Liming Potential of Biochars in Acid Hillyland Soils” by Ms. Aubrey Carneo; and “Influence of Soil Amendments on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Selected Commonly Cultivated Crops at the Tanay Hillyland” by Ms. Melody Orogo.
Also presented were the On-going Projects/Studies: “Evaluation of Organic Plant Supplements and its Influence to Soil Biological Properties and Yield of Selected Vegetables” by Ms. Vicky Dimaano; “Effects of Selected Certified Organic Fertilizers on Soil Fertility, Productivity, and Income of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)” and “Enhancing Soil Ecosystem Services through the Use of Cover Crops and Green Manures in Organic Production System (R&D OAP)” by Ms. Jenny Anne Escalona; “Validation of Commercial Biofertilizers on Selected Crops and its Effects on Soil Microbial Communities” and “Evaluation of Soil Biological Activity in Selected Sloping Crop Production Areas in the Philippines” by Ms. Jacqueline Rojales; and “Growth and Yield of Performance of Eggplant (solanum melongena) Applied with Different Liquid Organic Plant Supplement” by Mr. Dionisio Amarille III.
This activity is being conducted for the RDS Review Committee to evaluate performance of ongoing projects/ studies, and provide technical guidance for continuation of the project/ study; and select from the completed projects/ studies which can be endorsed for the Agency In-House Review. Other presentations will be continued tomorrow, 20 April 2023, for day two of the “Pre-in house Review and Evaluation of On-going and Completed R&D Projects/Studies.”