Six Hundred Forty-two Thousand Fifty Pesos (₱642,050.00)
Bidding Documents feeCAR- 1ST CROPPING 005
Ninety-five Thousand Twenty-five Pesos (₱95,025.00)
Bidding Documents feeCAR- 2ND CROPPING 005
Ninety-five Thousand Twenty-five Pesos (₱95,025.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 4A- 1ST CROPPING 005
Two Million Three Hundred Thousand Pesos (₱2,300,000.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 4A- 2ND CROPPING 005
Two Million Three Hundred Thirteen Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (₱2,313,500.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 4B-1st CROPPING 005
Two Million Three Hundred Thousand Pesos (₱2,300,000.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 4B-2nd CROPPING 005
Two Million Three Hundred Thirteen Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (₱2,313,500.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 5-1st CROPPING 005
Two Million Three Hundred Two Thousand Two Hundred Pesos (₱2,302,200.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 5-2nd CROPPING 005
Two Million Three Hundred Fifteen Thousand Nine Hundred Pesos (₱2,315,900.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 7- 1st CROPPING 005
Two Million One Hundred Ninety-seven Thousand Seven Hundred Pesos (₱2,197,700.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 7- 2nd CROPPING
Two Million Two Hundred Two Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Pesos (₱2,202,460.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 8- 1st CROPPING
Two Million One Hundred Three Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty Pesos (₱2,103,760.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 8- 2nd CROPPING
Two Million One Hundred Ninety-nine Thousand Three Hundred Twenty-five Pesos (₱2,199,325.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 9- 1st CROPPING
Two Million Three Hundred Twenty-eight Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Pesos (₱2,328,650.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 9- 2nd CROPPING 005
Two Million Three Hundred Twenty-eight Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Pesos (₱2,328,650.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 10- 1st CROPPING 005
Two Million Two Hundred Ten Thousand Two Hundred Seventy-five Pesos (₱2,210,275.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 10- 2nd CROPPING 005
Two Million Two Hundred Seventeen Thousand Twenty-five Pesos (₱2,217,025.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 11- 1st CROPPING 005
Two Million One Hundred Forty Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Pesos (₱2,140,350.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 11- 2nd CROPPING 005
Two Million One Hundred Forty Thousand Five Hundred Ten Pesos (₱2,140,510.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 12- 1st CROPPING 005
Two Million Four Thousand Pesos (₱2,004,000.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 12- 2nd CROPPING 005
Two Million Ninety-eight Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-five Pesos (₱2,098,675.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 13- 1ST CROPPING
Two Million Two Hundred Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (₱2,200,500.00)
Bidding Documents feeREGION 13- 2ND CROPPING 005
Two Million Two Hundred Five Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Pesos (₱2,205,920.00)
Bidding Documents feeBARMM-1ST CROPPING 005
Nine Hundred Eighty-one Thousand Seven Hundred Pesos (₱981,700.00)
Bidding Documents feeBARMM-2ND CROPPING
Eight Hundred Forty-one Thousand Two Hundred Forty Pesos (₱841,240.00)
Seventy-seven Thousand Seven Hundred Ten Pesos (₱77,710.00)
Bidding Documents feeStarts on until November 29, -0001 11:30pm
Deadline of Submission of Bidson November 29, -0001 11:30pm Pre-bid Conferenceonat SRDC Bldg., Visayas Ave. cor. Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City
Opening of Bidsonat SRDC Bldg., Visayas Ave. cor. Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City