
The Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Soils and Water Management (DA-BSWM) is developing a National Soil Conservation Roadmap which will provide an outlook and direction on strategic actions that will be pursued to avoid soil degradation, reduce and mitigate on-going degradation, and undertake restoration of degraded land and soils. Its purpose is to establish and map out informed decisions and shared vision towards the protection, conservation, judicious use of our soil resources for the present and future generation through enhanced collaboration among key stakeholders.

With the DA-BSWM, as the nationally mandated agency on the sustainable management of soil and water resources for agriculture, it is necessary to lead the operationalization and implementation of the National Soil Conservation Roadmap.


The Multi-Year Plan is anchored to the identified Strategies in the Roadmap comprising of five (5) components:

●     Component 1: Awareness Raising and Advocacy Campaign on Soil Conservation

●     Component 2: Research and Development (R&D)

●      Soil Erosion Study entitled: GIS-based Erosion Rate Prediction Model using Erodibility Factor Developed under Philippine Condition

●      Case Study of different Land Degradation Assessment

●     Component 3: Knowledge Management & Capacity Building

●      Documentation of SLM Practices

●      Training on Soil Conservation

●     Component 4: Monitoring and Evaluation

●     Component 5: Landscape Resource Conservation



●      Increase public awareness on SLM and soil conservation

●      Develop research studies focusing of SLM and soil conservation

●      Disseminate knowledge and capacitate stakeholders regarding  SLM and soil conservation

●     Organize relevant stakeholders meeting/ forum as venue for SLM and soil conservation discussion


Activities (FY 2024)

●  Conduct of Awareness-raising Forum

●  Conduct of R&D study

●  Conduct of stakeholders meeting/consultation



Securing the availability of productive and healthy soil resources through sustainable land management

●    promotion/adoption of appropriate soil conservation measures increase awareness of land users on soil conservation

●    widen the source of income through crop diversification

●    conservation of soil resources

●    soil conservation as climate change adaptation & mitigation strategy



Various stakeholders

Status of implementation?

2024 (ongoing)

Contact us for more inquiries

Soil Conservation Management Division (SCMD)
Lead Implementing Unit

+63(2) 273-2474 loc. 3221