BSWM through the Water Resources Management Division administers the following various water resources projects:
- Validation of Small Scale Irrigation Projects (SSIP) for National High Value Crops Development Program (NHVCDP) and National Organic Agriculture Program (NOAP)
- Geo-resistivity Survey
- Survey and Conduct of Technical Study for Ram Pump
- Detailed Engineering Design (DED) and Program of Works (POW) of SSIP
- Review of DED and POW per submission of RFOs
- Preparation of Feasibility Study for SSIP
- Monitoring of Project Implementation for NRP, NHVCDP and NOAP
- Monitoring of Agrometeorological Stations
- Irrigation-related Research Study
- SWIS Operation and Maintenance Trainings
- Dissemination of IEC Materials
Small Water Irrigation System Associations (SWISA), Farmer Associations, LGUs