World Soil Day is held annually on 5 December as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and advocating for the sustainable management of soil resources. The date was chosen because it corresponds with the official birthday of H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the King of Thailand, who officially sanctioned the event.

This year, the Bureau of Soils and Water Management celebrates World Soil Day 2021 on December 6 (Monday), with the theme “Halt soil salinization, boost soil productivity“. It aims to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems and human well-being by addressing the growing challenges in soil management, fighting soil salinization, increasing soil awareness and encouraging governments, organizations, communities and individuals around the world to commit to proactively improving soil health.

National Mapping, Characterization and Development of Spatial Database for the Coastal Areas Affected by Salinity (Click the marker for more information)

Photo Contest 2021