Aside from its vast range of involvement in the Philippine arena when it comes to soil and water for agriculture, the Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Soils and Water Management (DA-BSWM) has also been greatly involved in various events globally.

As such, the DA-BSWM has sent representatives to the recently held Asian Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (AFACI) Project Evaluation Workshop on Soil. The Workshop was held in Bangkok, Thailand, on 7-11 August 2023. Delegates from the BSWM were GSITD’s Mr. Bertolio P. Arellano and Mr. Andrew B. Flores.

The Workshop, organized in cooperation with the Land Development Department (LDD) and the Department of Agriculture (DA), aimed to assess the accomplishments and evaluate the performance of member countries on their implementation of the SOIL Project.

During the event which also provided a platform to recognize individuals who have shown exemplary performance in the project implementation, the BSWM through Mr. Flores received an Achievement Award being the “2022 Outstanding Principal Investigator” in recognition of his exemplary performance in the Project “Development of the Soil Atlas of Asia and National Soil Information System.”

The DA-BSWM has been and will always be committed to fulfilling its Mandate on the sustainable management of soil and water resources for agriculture, in the Philippines and beyond, exercising its core values on patriotism, integrity, excellence, and spirituality.

