In accordance with the RA 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women (MCW) which promotes women empowerment and pursue equal opportunities for women and men, and ensure equal access to resources and to development results and outcome, the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Soils and Water Management (DA-BSWM) headed by Director Gina P. Nilo and Assistant Director Denise A. Solano, through the GAD Focal Person and Planning and Monitoring Section Head Ms. Cathlyn Joy P. Dela Torre, convened around 50 representatives from the different Technical Divisions, Research Centers, Programs, Projects, and Administrative Units of the BSWM to participate in the Gender Sensitivity Training (GST). The activity was held on 14-15 May 2024 at the BSWM Lopez Convention Hall.

The GST is an initial step of the agency towards gender mainstreaming, for the employees to better understand how gender shapes the roles of women and men in the society and how they contribute towards nation-building, it is also an opportunity to provided them with a common understanding of gender-differentiated roles and needs, and of equal opportunities for women and men to access the benefits and services of the BSWM.

During the Training, Resource Speaker Ms. Maria Daryl L. Leyesa from the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) Resource Pool provided relevant, insightful, and timely lessons on gender and development, through interactive and participatory learning styles.

The activities conducted in the Training eventually made the participants more aware of gender and development, which will later contribute towards fully institutionalizing gender mainstreaming in the BSWM, and towards achieving gender equality and inclusive society.

 The Gender Sensitivity Training is being conducted annually by the DA-BSWM as a foundation course towards gender mainstreaming in the BSWM.

(Ara Krizele L. Alcoriza, Info)

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