The DA-BSWM through the Planning and Monitoring Section, in collaboration with the Budget Section and Procurement Management Section, conducted the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Year-End Physical and Financial Performance Assessment, at the BSWM Convention Hall on January 10-12, 2024.
This Assessment discussed in Plenary the FY 2023 over-all accomplishments vs. targets; the challenges, issues and concerns encountered; and agreements and strategies for the ways forward. The presenters were the Heads of Technical Divisions and Research Centers, and the Project Heads of Compost Production Implementation Team (CPIT), and National Soil Health Program (NSHP).
Meanwhile, Ms. Cathlyn Joy P. Dela Torre, Ms. Sarah B. Suministrado, and Ms. France Josephine C. Bautista, Heads of the Planning and Monitoring, Budget, and Procurement and Management Sections, respectively, discussed the Guidelines, Plans of Action, Budgetary Requirements, and Procurement-related matters for FY 2025 Plan and Budget Proposal.
DA-BSWM Director Dr. Gina P. Nilo partake and shared a significant message that it is essential to have a long-term plan and always have comprehensive reports. Assistant Director Denise A. Solano also gave her message and encouraged everyone to accomplish an exceptional workforce.