The two-day Summit with the theme “Securing Food and Nutrition Security through Healthy Soils,” aimed to bring together the different institutions and stakeholders, to share, exchange and level the expectations regarding soil health strategy for reinvigorating agricultural productivity in the Philippines.

In his Keynote Message, His Excellency FERDINAND R. MARCOS, JR. stressed how significant and influential the 1st National Soil Health Summit is.

The 1st National Soil Health Summit has been historical and significant having graced by no less than His Excellency FERDINAND R. MARCOS, JR. who delivered the Keynote Message before the participants of the Summit, as introduced by the Department of Science and Technology Secretary Renato U. Solidum, Jr.
This Summit was organized through the collaborative efforts of the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Soils and Water Management (DA-BSWM), Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD), Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), and the House of Representatives.