San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan – The DA-Bureau of Soils and Water Management (DA-BSWM) was recognized as one of the Most Outstanding External Stakeholders of the Year by San Martin National High School (SMNHS) during its Recognition rites held on July 11, 2023.

The event highlighted the DA-BSWM’s exceptional contributions to SMNHS. Through a range of initiative drives and donations, DA-BSWM has consistently demonstrated its commitment to promoting youth educational growth and community engagement.

On behalf of the BSWM Management, Property Management Unit Head Jodie L. Rico graciously accepted the award and expressed heartfelt gratitude to SMNHS. In his acceptance message, Mr. Rico emphasized the importance of strong collaborations between government agencies and educational institutions. He assured that the DA-BSWM’s unwavering commitment will continue, focusing on empowering students and nurturing their agricultural and environmental aspirations.

This recognition affirms the BSWM’s dedication to supporting educational institutions and fostering the growth of the next generation of agricultural and environmental leaders. 

DA-BSWM has been at the forefront in promoting sustainable agricultural practices and effective water resource management. By collaborating with educational institutions like SMNHS, the agency aims to provide valuable knowledge, skills, and practical experiences to encourage the students interested in the field of agriculture.